Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Problems...and one of those days!

Did you ever haave one of those days... you know the ones, where you wonder what the heck you are doing?  Well, on this latest painting, it was like my brain had taken a leave of absence and forgot to let me know about it!
I've painted water a dozen times.  Never had a problem, but yesterday...Water?  How do you do that?  Actually the problem with the water I'm doing now is more the fact that it is very dark, and has low light on it so no sparkles to help make it go into the distance.  This time I have to use colour temperature to do the job.  Not as easy as you would think with green water!  I ended up throwing colours into it that were not there, but which seemed to do the trick.  Added warmer colours to the foreground  (raw sienna and olive green) and cooler ones to the back ground (ultramarine blue and raw umber). Just for extra kicks I also threw in some pthalo green, paynes grey and some alarzian crimson.  Those helped to make the dark streaks I needed to suggest the slight ripples that the birds were making in the water.  Need to walk away and work on another painting before I will say that it was a total success.  So far though, the verdict is holding. If you hear a scream, you will know it did not work...but I think you are safe!
Until later,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Using time to learn about yourself

To the left is my latest accomplishment, and it is a prime example of using time to learn about oneself.  I am working on another painting that I am doing in oil, not my usual mode of operation.  Usually it is one painting at a time, but I was on a roll and did not want to waste time waiting for paint to dry.  So this little guy was a time filler.  It was also an expeeriment in : "How Small can you go?"  and still get detail you like.  Really a personal challenge to myself.  I found I could go small, but need larger to give my hand a break.  It was fun doing it, used time to good purpose, and made me realise that yes, I am anal retentive and am proud of it.  It showed me I was far happier doing my detail that I like to do, than try to be "looser" as the art elite like to direct us.  So I learned a lesson about myself, and will go forward with it.  As to the little guy...It is a 7 x 5 inch picture of fall hawthorn berries.  Cedar Waxwings love them, as do other birds.  Great Wildlife draw.  Oh yes!  I also used to time to scope out other art shows and competitions I might like to look into!  Multitasking....gotta love it!
Till next time.